
K-12 Education

Thomas Jefferson Elementary School
Louisa County, VA

Look Up and Engage is a Thomas Jefferson Elementary School mental health and wellness initiative that uses the evidenced-based benefits of nature play to address the mental health epidemic in childhood. The school’s Counseling Department is partnering with Nature Connection Lab to spearhead a nine-month Nature Connection Incubator Program elevating play-based learning in nature through the creation of new nature play area for nature connection on grounds, community engagement events and initiatives, and a yearlong incubator program giving teachers a unique professional development opportunity based in community collaboration and innovation. Nature Connection Lab created a project website to promote strong communication and stakeholder involvement and works closely with teachers to lead innovation retreats monthly.

CharlottesVille High school

Nature Connection Lab partners with Charlottesville High School Art Department to transform a underused interior courtyard into a mental health and learning resource. By promoting student leaderships and and art exchanges with college students, the once neglected courtyard has become a resource for nature connection and community building.

And Presentations

Steward School Innovator of the Year, Keynote Speaker and Workshop Leader, Richmond, Virginia
The Wonders of Nature Play

Virginia Association of Independent Schools, Richmond, Virginia
Cultivating Climate Hope, Conference Presentation

Midlothian PACED Preschool Conference, Midlothian, Virginia Everyday Nature Play

Albemarle Public Schools and Charlottesville City Schools

Reimagining Recess and Social and Emotional Learning in Nature


Parks and Gardens


Colleges and Universities